鹿穆酒庄·瓦塔蒙干红葡萄酒,法国原装进口,酒精度15.5,法定产区AOP,生产商vinitrio sarl ,产区密涅瓦,由佳丽酿,西拉,幕尔韦德,歌海娜葡萄品种酿造。
Minervois is a legal production area in Languedocan important production area in Languedoc. It is deeper inlandbelongs to the South French region. The area also produces red wine, white winerosé wine. The entire production area presents a classroom-like terrain. South to the South Canal, north to Montenegro, west to the ancient castle of Carcassonne, east to the suburbs of Narbonne.(图文来源:上海佐恩酒业)